- I know people who hold the line, "low-fat diet!!", including my last insurance company who told me, when my LDL was slightly elevated, that I needed to change to a low fat diet immediately. I haven't taken my cholesterol since cutting sugar, but I will be interested to see how that number changes now that I've made this change and am continuing to get good fats.
- It's about time the "hate" part of my love-hate relationship with avocado be over. A few years ago I got food poisoning from a meal that had avocado in it. It was probably the egg in my meal, but my guts blamed the avocado. It's been a good two years since I've eaten one and I only just started looking at guacamole again. It's time. I bought two avocados at the store the other day and I am determined to try them this week. Good fat is good fat is good fat.
- I wish he'd documented the two weeks of cravings and withdrawal he went through more. With an addictive substance like caffeine or sugar, this can be the thing that keeps people from giving it up.
- I wish he'd discussed some of the sugar content in our "favourite, everyday" products. Cereals claim to be heart healthy or full of fiber, but can also be full of sugar.
- I really appreciate the story he told of Coca-Cola's influence on some of the indigenous Australian towns. It is a modern day telling of what western culture does to indigenous groups that helps wipe them out.
- Sugar is more ingrained in our lives than we may realise. Big sugar companies fund many of the studies that come out and say it's okay. There is much interesting history that I didn't know and I'm willing to wager most don't know.
There is much more I learned from this documentary. I feel better armed with information that will help me on my journey and I also recommend this, if you are interested. Definitely something to keep in mind and something to add to my list of things to watch when I need a reminder. (Food, Inc. anyone?)
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